11.08.2016 Porođaj

Beskrajna ljubav, borba i strah: Dirljive fotografije majki i dece sa posebnim potrebama

Fotografkinja Natali MekKejn, koja se proslavila serijom fotografija na kojima mame poziraju bez stida od svog “nesavršenog” tela nakon porođaja, napravila je još jedan projekat – ovoga puta mnogo ozbiljniji i dirljiviji.

“When I turned 36 my pregnancy was categorized as “high risk.” Just that extra year over 35 gets a whole new set of…

Posted by The Honest Body Project on уторак 15. септембар 2015.


Nakon velikog uspeha koji je postigla projektom “The honest body”, fotografkinja Natali MekKejn odlučila je da napravi nešto dosta ozbiljnije. U pitanju je serija fotografija na kojima mame poziraju sa svojim mališanima sa posebnim potrebama.

Pogledajte ove dirljive fotografije….

“My advice is don’t be scared of the “what ifs.” They can eat you alive. You will get through it but at the same time it…

Posted by The Honest Body Project on уторак 15. септембар 2015.

“As we continued through our pregnancy, we decided it was time to announce our son. It was so hard to tell people face…

Posted by The Honest Body Project on уторак 15. септембар 2015.

“Our son has Right Hemiparesis (a type of Cerebral Palsy) due to an in utero bilateral stroke. The older he gets, the…

Posted by The Honest Body Project on недеља 13. септембар 2015.

“All children with disabilities are special in their own way and if given the opportunity can teach others many valuable…

Posted by The Honest Body Project on петак 11. септембар 2015.

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