01.12.2013 Novi broj

Alesandra Ambrozio za Dan zahvalnosti sa kćerkom Anjom

Manekenka Alesandra Ambrozio provela je Dan zahvalnosti sa svojom sestrom Alin i kćerkom Anjom u Brentvudu u Kaliforniji. Tri lepe dame uživale su u šopingu i sunčanom danu, da bi se kasnije pridružile na porodičnoj večeri manekenkinom vereniku Džejmiju Mazuru.

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Semi-Exclusive... Alessandra Ambrosio Visits The Brentwood Country Mart On Thanksgiving

Autor: Life Content
Foto: Fame

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